About Screen Watch Dog
This little application will help you to monitor your screen while you are not looking at it. Here is how you can use it:
1. Move the main Application window to the screen you wish to monitor.
2. Press the button 'Select watch bounds'.
3. Press and hold the left mouse button.
4. Draw a rectangle across your area of interest.
5. Release the left mouse button.
6. Application will monitor changes that happened in the selected area.
If anything changes in the selected area of interest
the application will start playing an Alert sound and change
image border to RED color.
7. You can stop and resume alerts.
Just press the button with the Bell icon on it.
Gratitude: The author of this program wants to thank his wife Ann for her patience and understanding. His son Tim for his interest and support. His niece Eve for the snacks and support during the development cycle. And last but not least the friend that inspired the author for creating this Application - Ozzy the dog!
If you need further assistance, please contact our support team at screen.watchdog@ukr.net.